Saturday, May 24, 2008


OMG, I almost forgot. My dad and brother gave me an umbrella today as kind of a "gonna be a dad gift." I know it sounds dorky that I'm excited about getting an umbrella, like REALLY excited, but hey, this isn't your grandma's umbrella. We're talking about an umbrella I've wanted for like a year. I've wanted a golf umbrella for a while, but Linnea will never let me get one because they're too expensive. Anyway, what do I unwrap in the garage today? Not only was it a golf umbrella, or even a huge golf umbrella, but a red, white and black Odyssey (they make putters) umbrella, complete with wind vents and the actual putter grips they use as the handle! You could say I was ecstatic about this. It gets sweeter when you consider my 2-ball white steel Odyssey putter has the same EXACT handle. YES! A joyous day. I'm actually hoping for rain tomorrow while we're golfing during the shower. Ooooh, no pun intended, but hopefully it's fate. Please do a little rain dance for me.

1 comment:

Andy said...

wow. my cousin is special.